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Insite National Bank

Federal Trade Commission Scam

We have received a couple notices about a FTC (Federal Trade Commission) scam going around. Please BE CAREFUL when giving out personal information. If you receive a call from someone requesting personal information or demanding a payment it is best to end the call and reach out to your normal contact at that company before giving out any information. If you do not have a normal contact, then it is best to avoid completely. If you think you have been scammed, please contact us immediately.

Cash Scam

We were made aware of a recent scam where someone will receive an e-mail regarding a “transaction” through their Paypal. If you call the number from the e-mail it will direct you to customer service. Customer service will request you send them large amounts of cash because the employees at your bank are the ones trying to steal your identity. Remember to never send large amounts of cash through the mail when you aren’t sure where you are sending it to. If someone is demanding you to do a transaction you aren’t comfortable with and telling you to keep it a secret, it is most likely a scam. Take a deep breath and think about it or ask someone you trust for help!